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Messages - Scout24

NAA Products / Re: Where’s your mini
August-28-18 06:08
It's been in here all summer, R/F pocket. Holster by Rick...

Good read! Thanks for the link. I hope the black PvD's are available a while longer...  :)
Some day...  :)  Such beautiful work.
NAA Products / Re: I am back!
May-21-18 06:05
Top Dog- Lol, not sure which of those three choices would be worst-case scenario...
Agreed with printing- a big no-no... My favorite is the "You can see half of my holster, so it's not concealed". If I can't hide it completely, I don't carry it. That's where the Mini rules.  :)  That said, I can appendix carry  a bit more than a Mini under a heavy Carhart t-shirt if I feel the need. Airweight 642 with a Hip Grip for instance.

SteveZ- Wholeheartedly agree with the ego-driven comment.
Canoeal- The first week I was living full time in Pennsylvania with my lovely bride, we went out to dinner at a Chinese restaurant. We had lived in New York for years, both of us working and raising four kids. I got up to find the men's room, and passed a rather portly gentleman at a table with a stainless gov't model .45 on his right hip. That was my introduction to open carry with no permit needed in Pa. I still see that once a week or so here, and I much prefer concealed carry. Nobody needs to know what I'm doing unless they NEED to know.  My understanding is that outside of the big cities here, open carry is ok...
NAA Products / Re: couple of pictures
April-28-18 18:04
Dang, that PVD coated Mini looks sweet...
My first two- no fancy stamping, wild stitching, or cool colors. Just a pair of incredibly well made rough side out working holsters for day to day carry. The IWB works great appendix carry under even the lightest t-shirt, and the pocket holster speaks for itself. Awesome gear.

NAA Products / Re: Fire damaged Mini.
April-24-18 14:04
Upstairs as in two story? We invested in the fire rescue ladders that hook over a window sill and roll out down the side of the house for our daughter who lives in town. Worth a look. I like the garden hose idea... Do you have city water or a well?
I'm not terribly worried about having the extra rounds, though they may come in handy when topping off out in the woods. The ammo pouch area stabilizes the gun nicely in the bottom of a pocket, and does a nice job catchhing on a pocket lip if you ever need to clear leather in a hurry. I'm waiting for two of Rick's holsters that were invoiced and paid for, can't wait! The pocket holster sold by NAA is sub par at best, I can't believe DeSantis puts their name on it.
NAA Products / Re: Fire damaged Mini.
April-15-18 08:04
Put another 25 through it this morning. Good to go. Hard to believe it's the same Mini. Kudos to NAA!

NAA Products / Re: Fire damaged Mini.
April-14-18 19:04
Well, I wound up sending it in on April 3rd from my LGS. Got it back today, looks brand new. 40 rounds through it without a hiccup, and a light cleaning this evening. Good to have it back...  :)  A big, big thank you to NAA for the work, and fast turnaround. I have no idea what if anything was replaced other than the grips. I'll have to call and ask this week. Now I need a new pocket holster! Pics up tomorrow...
NAA Products / Re: Fire damaged Mini.
March-14-18 17:03
Bigbird- Now that's funny! Nope, I find the Mini has the best chance at a clean bill of health. Thank you again folks, for all the support. The Glock had company, a Bushmaster .223 and my Maverick 88 (Cheap Mossberg 500). There's a pic of them on my phone somewhere. You know how it is, you go to the range, things need cleaning, a week or five goes by... Sigh. Lessons learned...
NAA Products / Re: Fire damaged Mini.
March-14-18 05:03
Thank you all... It's going to be a slow process, but we'll rebuild here on our little piece of ground that we both love so much. So far so good. Blessed to get out in one piece, blessed to have recovered the few things we have. It does have the remarkable ability to bring what's important into laser like focus very quickly. Again, thank you for the support. The Mini should ship back to NAA Friday or Monday, with a two to three week turnaround time.
NAA Products / Re: Fire damaged Mini.
March-13-18 11:03
Thanks for the support, folks. NAA has sent me instructions for sending it in, with a very nice email. This was my Glock 19, about 3 feet from that dresser in a wall niche with a mirror over it...

NAA Products / Fire damaged Mini.
March-13-18 06:03
Hi all. On the morning of 2/23, we had a house fire. Smoke alarms going off at 4:24am. Everyone got out except for our cat. The mini below was in the tol drawer of the dresser shown, in a 1990's pocket holster. It cocks and turns, and I'll admit to firing a few rounds through it. I'm waiting on a return email from NAA, I'd like to send it in for a thorough going over, clean bill of health, and some new grips. Then, back in my pocket... Thanks for reading, just thought I'd share. Change your batteries, and function check your smoke detectors...

Not for a Ranger, but waiting on two myself!   ;D    8)
NAA Products / Re: Comforting.
January-31-18 05:01
Grayelky- i looked long and hard at the 351 before  buying my 642. May end up with one someday.  :)  I like that it's lighter than the 642 with the same manual of arms.
NAA Products / Comforting.
January-28-18 14:01
I've been travelling in a southern state with a reciprocal CCW policy for the last week. Brought my Airweight 642 and my .22 Magnum Mini. The airweight has been mainly the "house gun" while here, and the Mini hasn't left my pocket yet. Cargo shorts and a good pocket holster make it disappear, and after appendix carrying the Airweight once, I've decided I need to drop 20 pounds before trying that again.
Agreed, the safety notch is a wonderful thing. Nice knowing it's fully loaded and completely still safe.
I took one of my grey Spyderco Sharpmaker stones to all the sharp edges and corners of my newer 1" Magnum when I got it. Just enough to break the sharp edges.
NAA Products / Re: Ammo cut off?
January-05-18 06:01
I got my first carry permit in Washington State, back in 1990. Before it started the swing to California north. Then spent 25 years living in New Uork, with a "Hunting, fishing, hiking, target shooting" carry permit. Funny, it seems like I was almost always on the way to or from one of those activities...   :)  I moved to Pennsylvanis full time two years ago, and it's like the clouds parted and the birds started singing. As Canoeal said- shall issue, open carry if you're inclined, black rifles aren't evil, and there are state owned outdoor ranges everywhere.
Bllack and orange was a bit daring for me, but I spoke with Rick todag and ordered up an IWB and a new pocket holster to replace my 20+ year old NAA one. Looking forward to them!   8)
Good tip on the non-visual check for flute next to top strap. Thanks...
Thanks for the email response. I checked my spam filter to empty it, and found your reply there. I'll be in touch this week.   ;D
Throw a pocket clip on the far side for R/H IWB carry and I'll take one, please. Same question as Kycliff162, above. How much?   8)
Couldn't make it from Pennsylvania, so I sent a FB  message...  :)
NAA Products / Re: CVang ammo pod
December-03-17 20:12
I always carry spare ammo, either sandwiched in two big pieces of velcro, or in my pocket holster's snap compartment. Other options are always nice, and I'll probably pick a couple up.
NAA Products / Re: Airweight Mini?
November-16-17 18:11
I would be all over an alloy Mini. Think neck carry, or other unconventional carry. Tucked into your sock. Under an ace bandage. As far as reliability with steady practice use, this is 2017. Metallurgy is a bit better than 20 years ago. I think it wouldn't require any re-engineering, and would sell at least as well as some of the special run models they sell now. Hell, I'd buy one like the Bug Out Box that was .22 only on the Magnum frame! Sign me up!!!
NAA Products / Re: Caliber Wars and NAA
October-29-17 19:10
It works if you're competent and confident, and keep your shots close. Economical and fairly quiet as well. Back to the NAA end of things, my "regular" local shop really has no archery gear. But he will have my Black Widow order here in a week or two. May even trade my Bearcat in on it.
NAA Products / Re: Caliber Wars and NAA
October-29-17 18:10
I paraphrase a Pennsylvania game warden- or at least the story as I heard it... "There's probably been more deer killed in this state with the .22 than all other calibers combined" Shot placement, indeed...   8)
NAA Products / Re: Caliber Wars and NAA
October-29-17 17:10
I was at one of my local shops today picking up a new sight for my compound bow. Went to see if they had any Speer Gold Dots at the gun counter. (They did not...) The counter guy was mid-story with a local plainclothes cop about how he came upon a car pulled over one night with a deer in the road. Guy didn't hit the deer, but stopped to move it off the road. It was still alive, and would start thrashing around when he got close. Car guy and counter guy decided it prudent to maybe end the deer's suffering before trying to move it again. Car guy draws "a little revolver like one of these" (points to a very nice assortment of Minis in the case, pugs, sidewinders, the twin to my 1 1/8" magnum, and a long barreled model I didn't recognize.) and proceeds to shoot the deer in the head from a foot or two away. Three times, and the deer is still alive. Counter guy, smiling with the cop, tells of drawing his .45 and putting a round behind the shoulder and ending the deer's life. Says they looked, the rounds didn't even penetrate the skull. I didn't argue,  just rolled my eyes and was glad for the magnum Mini in my pocket. I've no doubt a .45 has it's place, I own one, but doubt highly the deer wasn't dispatched with a Mini.  As nice as their selection was, I'll shop elsewhere from now on.
NAA Products / Re: Where’s your mini
October-24-17 19:10
Sitting on my dresser, waiting to go in my right front pocket in the morning.
NAA Products / Re: Black minis
October-18-17 07:10
That looks great. I like the pearl, personally.
The only places I don't carry are places with metal detectors. Period.