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Messages - Jim1392

Other Guns (Non-NAA) / Re: New Toy
November-19-15 08:11
I have one and it's a great little gun. I usually drop it in my pocket in a Remora holster loaded with Stingers when I take my dog for a walk. For a little gun it really is more accurate then one would think. With CCI Mini Mags it has been flawless at the range.
Quote from: Bigtuna on November-01-15 23:11
Please be advised that I ordered a Ragsdale holster for my NAA Pug on 8/17/15. I received a confirmation notice stating my credit card was charged for the the purchase and it would take 5 weeks to make the holster.  As of 11/1/15 I've not received the holster. I've sent 3 emails and left 2 phone messages to Ragsdale requesting an update relative to my holster purchase and have received no response to any of my inquires. I have ordered a holster from another holster manufacturer and am considering filing a complaint to the Better Business Bureau relative to the Ragsdale situation.

Any update on this?? Did you get the holster??
Quote from: Bigtuna on November-01-15 23:11
Please be advised that I ordered a Ragsdale holster for my NAA Pug on 8/17/15. I received a confirmation notice stating my credit card was charged for the the purchase and it would take 5 weeks to make the holster.  As of 11/1/15 I've not received the holster. I've sent 3 emails and left 2 phone messages to Ragsdale requesting an update relative to my holster purchase and have received no response to any of my inquires. I have ordered a holster from another holster manufacturer and am considering filing a complaint to the Better Business Bureau relative to the Ragsdale situation.

I don't know if this will make you feel better but it took me almost 3 months to get mine when I ordered a holster for my PUG. I did the same thing emaling and calling. I finally got a call back from him and he said he was having problems with his machine and was waiting for a part. I'm not sure if that was bull or not but I finally did get the holster. I must say it was a very nice holster and very well made. Would I order again, NO. But the only reason I wouldn't was because of his lack of response. If he had given me any kind return email or response to my calls it would be a different story since I realize sometimes things happen out of people's control.
Take a look at the CZ trainer 22. I looked at one at a gun show and they look really nice. Solid, well made and with a good scope accurate.  Quite a few Youtube videos on them. There are still quite a few around. When I picked up the S & W 15-22 at the show there was just way too much plastic for me.
I have a Ragsdale pocket holster for my PUG and I'm very happy with it. They make it for the Sidewinder also.
Quote from: Trace on April-10-15 15:04
Got mine! Thanks again. Very easy group to deal with and very reasonable on the $$ side of things.

Just be prepared to be patient. The biggest complaint I hear about them is they are slow with shipping. I ordered ammo from them and it took 2 weeks for them to ship it. They did have a disclaimer on the site in reference to delays in shipping due to the amount of orders at that time. But I was still happy I found Gold Dots anywhere.  ;D
Other Guns (Non-NAA) / Re: Bond Arms
March-18-15 05:03
I had looked at the Bond Derringer awhile back. But after picking it up I also found it heavy. It is very well made but after thinking about it I would have many choices of guns if I wanted to carry something that heavy. Also thinking about how many times there are more then just one adversary just 2 rounds wouldn't give me much of a fighting chance.
I saw that also, but the shipping killed it for me.
Quote from: UncleS2 on March-04-15 17:03
If the pug was available with 2 cylinders, it might be a contender. But magnum only, or going through all the hassle & expen$e of sending gun back to factory to get a .22LR cyl fitted, no thanks.

I agree that the Magnum 1 5/8" is a great looking gun, but it seems that almost everyone is out of them. Bud's finally got some back in, but the 1 5/8" Mag Conv was priced at only $5 less than the BW conv; I see that sometime today the Mag Mini dropped to $13 less than the Mag Mini.

IMO, the biggest problem with the Black Widow's looks are those grips! Probably handle & shoot very well, but for pocket carry a set of thinned birds-head grips would sure hide a lot easier. I kinda have my eye on a set of the black synthetic cvang grips right now. And while the BW is a little bulkier out front than the Mag Mini, with identical grips it's only 3/8" longer. Maybe someday I'll get a Mag Mini to keep the BW company, & then can do my own "side-by-each" comparisons to my heart's content.  ;D

UPDATE: As Red Skelton used to say, I dood it! Order placed for a Black Widow Convertible with the regular sights. Now just gotta wait.

The pug Mag does come with a 22lr cylinder. The price is $319.00. You might want to add it to you collection after you get the BW since you ordered it already.
Give the Pug some consideration. I just drop mine in my pocket in it's holster and it's great on the range also.
Quote from: OV-1D on February-04-15 06:02
  Goldsmithy I have some great swampland here in Florida with a view for sale CHEAP . Perfect place for a small waterpark but parking has to be by boat and that's part of the beauty of it no congestion problems . Call me .  ;D

I might be interested if there is a bridge involved in the sale.  ;)
Well this really tops the whole situation. I got this email from GM.

Order Number Item # Description Quantity Price Cancel Reason
614921 North American Arms Sidewinder Mini-Revolver Conversion 1 $449.99 ITEM DISCONTINUED

They are really a mess on this one. First a cancel online on the Ranger (not that I reall expected to get it), phone call explaining the mistake. Now an email canceling a Sidewinder that I never ordered.  ;D ;D Only thing I have to do now is check my credit card to see how many charges are now on it.  >:(

Quote from: MR_22 on February-02-15 15:02
So, what does Gander Mountain do, amid their mistake and everybody getting canceled orders? They drop the price. Yeah, that's solves their problem. Still IN STOCK, still the same description, but a cheaper price for something THEY DON"T HAVE. Well done.

The fellow who called me said the problem was with the SKU number. He said the SKU for what is supposed to be a Sidewinder was the same as the old Breaktop. So when someone entered the same SKU it defalted back to the Breaktop. So he said.  ;D Maybe I should order it now at the lower price.  ::) ;D ;D ;D ;D
Quote from: Paducah Michael on February-02-15 12:02
Just had a call from Gander Mountain - they admitted that it's a mistake and was really the Sidewinder and have canceled the order. Bummer.

I just checked it still shows my order in process. But when I click on the history it say item canceled. So at least you got a call.  :'(

I take that back I just got my call and the cancel.  NO Ranger for me. LOL LOL  ;D I knew deep down inside it was a pipe dream.  ;D
Quote from: OV-1D on February-02-15 11:02
  These places wasn't a mistake as much as it was a marketing ploy especially if they don't offer a discount ticket . Been there seen it , myself anyhow . They figure you already allotted the cash so why not buy something else kinda thinking .
  So what you guys going to buy NOW ? You gotta buy something to appease the spirit , it's only right . If it wasn't for the shipping I'd suggest GunBroker for something and the heck with Gander Mountain . :( :o ??? ::) :)

I've never bought a gun from Gander. Their prices are always way out of line.  The only reason I gave this a shot because I just saying to myself "you never know, and if you don't you will be sorry". Well this just makes me more sure I will NEVER buy a gun from Gander.
Quote from: cfsharry on February-02-15 11:02
Just had my Gander Mountain call.
An error.
No Ranger

Mine is still showing processing. I guess I'll just wait for my call.  :'(
Quote from: Jim1392 on February-01-15 13:02
I ordered one also. Worst that can happen is I get my money back.  ;D Even used the NEWYEAR code and got $50.00 off. I believe this when I pick it up.  ;D

They have it on their site if you put NAA in the Gander search engine. It comes up as a new item.

Sold out as of this morning. I'm still wondering if I'll ever get this???   ::)
I ordered one also. Worst that can happen is I get my money back.  ;D Even used the NEWYEAR code and got $50.00 off. I believe this when I pick it up.  ;D

They have it on their site if you put NAA in the Gander search engine. It comes up as a new item.
Quote from: OV-1D on January-21-15 04:01
Quote from: bill_deshivs on January-20-15 18:01
The 950 series Minx and Jetfire pistols are much superior to the 21 series Berettas.

  Thanks for the vote of confidence Bill because I love my Beretta 950 BS 25cal . Bought it for a cheap song at a pawn shop , looks brand new and shoots the same every time , great . Only trouble is the extra mags are so costly . All semi-autos have hard times with soft lead loads to begin with hangingup on feedings , easierly fixed though use plated loads for you inexperienced guys out there .

What brand rounds are you using??
If anyone is looking to a Sidewinder Magnum I just put mine on GunBroker.  Only has 25 rounds fired out of it and it looks like new. Item #464381278 with pictures.
Quote from: imago on January-19-15 06:01
I've always wanted a 21a.  Original MSRP for the 21a is $410 according to Beretta.  I'd pay that and no more if I REALLY had to have it.  Given the scarcity of the gun I'd be willing to pony up just to have it, but I wouldn't be happy at that price.

They are asking $499.00 with 2 extra mags. I'm going to pass on it.  Kicking myself I sold my Colt 25 years ago. :'(
Anyone one here who collects 25 autos that can give me a idea what a Beretta 21A 25 is worth? It is new in box, with paperwork and 2 extra magazines. I'm interested in a few small autos and this one has caught my eye. Wish now I had never sold my colt 25 years ago.
Look at Sneaky Pete holsters. The same concept with the gun being totally concealed.
Other Guns (Non-NAA) / Seecamp 32
December-31-14 09:12
Anyone here own one? Whats is the good, bad and ugly on these guns. They caught my interest and seem to have a very loyal following on their forums.
NAA Products / Re: Mini 22 Mag
December-26-14 05:12
Quote from: Booke on December-25-14 21:12
What the hey,  after I shoot 3 rounds through my Mini 22 Mag
The cylinder will not rotate and hammer will not
pull back,  any body had this problem?

I had the same problem with my Pug right out of the box. Just call NAA they will pay for the shipping and fix it for you. Turn around for me was a little over a week.
FAQs / Re: Show us your NAA!!
December-21-14 08:12
I think it's about being a Probational user. After that last spamming we went though I think the mod's have to approve everthing for you until you move off of the probation period.
Pug in a Ragsdale holster.

Quote from: Jim1392 on December-11-14 11:12
Quote from: Jim1392 on December-11-14 05:12
Quote from: OV-1D on December-10-14 17:12
Wow good for you Mike you have your own store , cool . Now we know you'll never be without , ha ha . O.K. now heres the 100.00 dollar question , nothing personal mind ya we already know its not that cheap , but whats the shipping on two or more boxes of 300 ? Thanks . :)

Keep your eye on the Academy web site. They have had them on and off all week with free shipping.

They are up right now on Academy with free shipping $42.99 as of this writing.

Up again if you need them. Free shipping.  ;D
I only own handguns. Got rid of all my rifles and shotguns years ago. So I shoot 22, 22mag, 38 and 357's. Last gun show I was at I was looking at some 22 rifles but nothing seemed to fit my long arms.  ;D
NAA Products / Re: LR range ammo
December-17-14 05:12
Today, anything I can get.  ;D
Quote from: Jim1392 on December-11-14 11:12
Quote from: Jim1392 on December-11-14 05:12
Quote from: OV-1D on December-10-14 17:12
Wow good for you Mike you have your own store , cool . Now we know you'll never be without , ha ha . O.K. now heres the 100.00 dollar question , nothing personal mind ya we already know its not that cheap , but whats the shipping on two or more boxes of 300 ? Thanks . :)

Keep your eye on the Academy web site. They have had them on and off all week with free shipping.

They are up right now on Academy with free shipping $42.99 as of this writing.

There again if you need them. I bought a box.
Quote from: Jim1392 on December-11-14 05:12
Quote from: OV-1D on December-10-14 17:12
Wow good for you Mike you have your own store , cool . Now we know you'll never be without , ha ha . O.K. now heres the 100.00 dollar question , nothing personal mind ya we already know its not that cheap , but whats the shipping on two or more boxes of 300 ? Thanks . :)

Keep your eye on the Academy web site. They have had them on and off all week with free shipping.

They are up right now on Academy with free shipping $42.99 as of this writing.
Quote from: OV-1D on December-10-14 17:12
Wow good for you Mike you have your own store , cool . Now we know you'll never be without , ha ha . O.K. now heres the 100.00 dollar question , nothing personal mind ya we already know its not that cheap , but whats the shipping on two or more boxes of 300 ? Thanks . :)

Keep your eye on the Academy web site. They have had them on and off all week with free shipping.
As far as ammo is concerned. PSA has had Gold Dots. Academy has had Choot EMS 22 WMR with free shipping on and off all week. So they are out there online. In the stores not so much. Also I have seen only about a $20.00 difference in the price of the BW from the plain Magnum and Magnum with 22LR converstion. I think it's a $20.00 well spent.
NAA Products / Re: Gold Dots in stock
December-10-14 06:12
Thanks I ordered them on the 7th. Still showing in process. Hope they do ship.