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Messages - dk

NAA Products / Re: Stopping Power
July-01-14 00:07
SOPSAX I agree with with your analysis on stopping power and the mental disposition of the person being shot.Seen it many times as a LEO.
Amen Joe! Absolute truth!
Goatpacker this is the reason I like this forum so much.You guys make it so interesting.
NAA Products / Re: vang grips
April-25-14 18:04
Single 5.You came to the right place for anything North American Arms.I highly recommend the vang grips they fit great in the hand.I have them on my sheriff and now have them on my BW .I don't think you will be disappointed if you try a pair.
I would shop around some.You can find these models cheaper.
Mr.22 thanks again for all the feedback.Let us know how the grip modifications go.
 Jayne thanks for the feedback.In your opinion how was the trigger on the lcr compared to smith or colt or taurus double action revolvers.I figure it's probably not as good as a revolver tuned by a good smith but how does it compare to the others out of the box.
I was considering the taurus view however Mr.22`s experiences with it sounds a bit brutal.Has any of you guys shot the 38 special lcr. I have read the trigger on the lcr is very good and shooting it is agreeable.I am certainly not out on the view.Just checking the options.It will be interesting to see how Mr.22`s grip modification on the view goes.Thanks for any feedback guys.
 The blackwidow will be worth the weight!
Mr.22 thanks for the feedback it has been helpfull. How is the trigger on this thing and is the grip hard to to hold on to with the recoil.

NAA Products / Re: about your state
April-17-14 20:04
The same is true in Oklahoma.No schools government buildings or hospitals.

NAA Products / Re: about your state
April-17-14 14:04
My state Oklahoma is a shall issue state.The legislature passed a law last year that allows open carry as long as you are not a convicted felon.I just seen a guy today carry a ruger gp100 on his hip in the local ace hardware store.
Mr 22 if you see this I was wondering if you have shot your taurus view yet.If you have any information would be appreciated. Thanks .
I look forward to reading your review.I have wanted one for a quite some time.Your review might help me make the jump.Thanks for any feedback.
The problem was the grips.The grip screw would not back out of grip panel when trying to remove the grips.I had never removed the grips while I had the revolver .I bought it knew about two months ago.That said I felt that this was a problem created by them not me.I was informed by the lady that if the firearm was not lacking in functionality or accuracy  then the problem was not  their issue to take care of.I  did not see it her way.I bought the firearm New.Paid a good price for it.This was a defect in the firearm from the factory.The smith explained  procedure to send the firearm back to them to correct the problem.Then their was no problem.I could have tried myself to rectify the problem but I felt the only way I could remove the grips would have damaged them..then it would have been my problem.
Stories / Customer service problem
March-21-14 20:03
I am a big fan of naa.I have a widow and a sheriff.No complaints with the sheriff.I did have a small problem with the widow.About a month ago I contacted naa about the widow problem.Spoke with a women who answers the phone.I got a ten minute dissertation about why I should not be having a problem with the revolver.Realizing I was not getting any place with her I asked to speake with a company  GUNSMITH .When I finally got the smith on the line he was very helpful and immediately recognised the problem. He explained the process for sending the revolver in and taking care of the problem.I do not remember what her name was.Maybe she was having a bad day.The whole thing was very frustrating.The whole thing could have been avoided if she would have let me explain my problem with the revolver instead of trying to explain to me why I did not have an issue with the revolver.
Other Guns (Non-NAA) / Re: Taurus 25 ply
February-11-14 19:02
Question for antares! Did Taurus get the pistal fixed or did you continue to have problems with it?

Other Guns (Non-NAA) / Re: Taurus 25 ply
January-23-14 20:01
Thanks for the feedback guys your making me feel better about the purchase.I'll let you know how it shoots when I get to the range with it.
Other Guns (Non-NAA) / Re: Taurus 25 ply
January-23-14 20:01
OV I'll see what I can come up with!
Other Guns (Non-NAA) / Taurus 25 ply
January-23-14 17:01
I bought one of these today.I'm not to crazy about Taurus and I've heard there customer service is just bad but I got it at a real nice price and I thought I would take a chance.I really like the feel of this new poly version in the hand.It's really light and fits in my pocket front or back just fine.I went with the 25 acp because I had a couple 22 berreta in the past and had problems with both FTF ,FTE .I have a Baby Browning in 25 acp no problems.I have not shot it yet. TO COLD OUTSIDE! If anybody has experience with one of these new Taurus 22 or 25 poly let me know good bad or indifferent.
NAA Products / Re: Hi
January-22-14 17:01
Welcome Mich if you like naa minis you came to the right place the guys on here have helped me a great deal with information.If you have a question dont be bashful ask. The guys on here have a great deal of good information on naa firearms.
Stories / Re: Funny Conversation
January-22-14 15:01
I've always been told the best defense is a well prepared offense.If you have a firearm you can carry all the time your increasing your odds of serviving a life and death situation.I use to carry a 25 baby browning .The guys used to teas me about my puny little gun with that sick little round all the while they were standing there telling me how bad my weapon was and how great there cannons they had were. I was the only guy in the room armed.Don't get me wrong if I'm going to be in a gunfight give me a good Kimber 45 Glock 40.The problem is you never get to choose when your going to be in a life or death situation.In my law enforcement career I was in two shooting situations in both situations I was also being shot at.Both of those situations made me understand that any gun in any caliber is far better than no gun at all when the deal goes down.I have a 25 acp a22 mag and a 32acp .On any given day I'll have one of them on me because they are easy to carry.I can't say that about my bigger caliber weapons.Most people tend to underestimate the lethality of a 25 ,22 ,32 .They will kill I've seen it to many times.
Stories / Re: Funny Conversation
January-19-14 16:01
Well said Mr.22!
Other Guns (Non-NAA) / Re: Bond Arms
January-19-14 13:01
Well said Doc ! Never thought of it that way.
Stories / Funny Conversation
January-19-14 11:01
 I was in a local gun store the other day and overheard this conversation.Two guys were standing next to me one older fella was looking at a naa in the display case.The second guy asked the older man if he would really carry that little thing .The older guy stated yes he would carry it and also stated that he had one in his pocket right then and there.The second guy stated that all that little thing would do is really make a guy mad.The older guy looked at the second guy for a minute and very politely said that in all his 67 years four of which had been spent in war and twenty in law enforcement  he had never seen a mad dead man.Not ever! The second guy never said a word.He turned around and left the store. I loved it!
Other Guns (Non-NAA) / Bond Arms
January-19-14 11:01
I finally got to get a Bond Arms in my hands yesterday .The derringer had a good feel to it.The grips were a little wide for my hands but that's an easy fix.I was very impressed with it .I can see one in the future for me.I know there are a lot of people who say that two shots is pretty risky but 5 triple 0 buckshot out of a 3inch 410 shell is pretty deadly for a shoot and scoot gun.I don't think any bad guy would want to scoot after you after taking a hit from this little monster.These things are built tough and are not as heavy as they appear .With the right type holster I think they would make a great conceal carry weapon.
NAA Products / Re: shooting my BW
January-19-14 10:01
I'm going to keep trying until I get their.
Uncle lee you make a good point I have seen are Departments hold the weapons up to a year!
I have found it on the net already.What I want to know is has anybody seen a review were a real person has actually held it or shot it .So many times these small companies may have a website and a prototype that's it.
Can anybody tell me if this thing is real or just a thought in some guys head.The  pistal is called the Reliant made by a company called Edge Arms. I believe the company is based in Tn.It is a 4 barrel mouse gun. It's offerd in 22 mag 17 mag and 380.I found a website on the net but that's all.I like the concept probably because I like odd guns.If anybody has information on this pistal let me know I would appreciate it.Thanks again guys Dk!
I'd say 15 to 20 feet would be the average but it all depends on the situation.
NAA Products / Re: shooting my BW
January-12-14 17:01
Very true!
NAA Products / Re: SHOT Show 2014
January-11-14 13:01
BUBBA I hope you see this! While your at the show see if you can come up with something on the Edge Arms Reliant .The pistal is a 4barrel in 22 mag 17 mag or 380 .Any information would be appreciated.
NAA Products / shooting my BW
January-11-14 13:01
Guys tell me if this is about average for your BW! I have been shooting about every day.I am to the point were I can consistently put five shots in a 4 to 5 inch spread at 30 feet.This is as far as I would even think of shooting it practising let alone a real social situation with a bad guy.